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2 posts tagged with "JavaScript"

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Implementing a dynamic search dropdown in MadCap Flare

· 3 min read
Mattias Sander
Mattias Sander

Here's a Javascript you can use to implement a dynamic search dropdown in Flare. Just save the script below in a file and include it in your Flare project, and then include the script in your template page, or any page where you want the dropdown to appear. You might need to adjust the CSS selector of the search input field based on your project's structure.

NOTE Updated 2024-10-14: Added word highlighting. Updated 2024-08-12: Fixed the bug related to boolean operators. Updated 2024-05-20: Added a method to show the dropdown when the search input is focused.

Flare Search Dropdown

class SearchManager {
constructor() {
this.debounce = this.debounce.bind(this);
this.handleSearch = this.handleSearch.bind(this);
this.displayResults = this.displayResults.bind(this);
this.clearResults = this.clearResults.bind(this);
this.showFullResults = this.showFullResults.bind(this);
this.hideDropDown = this.hideDropDown.bind(this);
this.showDropDown = this.showDropDown.bind(this); // Add this line

debounce(func, delay) {
let debounceTimer;
return function () {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;
debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), delay);

handleSearch() {
let searchQuery = document.querySelector('.main-section .search-bar > input').value.trim();
const invalidPattern = /(\"|\($|\b(AND|OR|NOT|NEAR)\b)$/i;
const openParenthesesCount = (searchQuery.match(/\(/g) || []).length;
const closeParenthesesCount = (searchQuery.match(/\)/g) || []).length;

if (invalidPattern.test(searchQuery) || openParenthesesCount !== closeParenthesesCount) {
console.warn("Invalid search query. Please ensure proper use of operators and matching parentheses.");

if (searchQuery.length > 0) {
MadCap.SearchHelper.SearchPane.Search(searchQuery, { searchContent: true })
.catch(error => {
console.error("Search failed: ", error);
} else {

displayResults(results) {
const dropdown = document.getElementById('searchResultsDropdown'); = "visible"; // Ensure the dropdown is visible
dropdown.innerHTML = '';
const searchQuery = document.querySelector('.main-section .search-bar > input').value.trim(); // Get the current search query

results.content.slice(0, 5).forEach(item => {
const resultItem = document.createElement('li');
const title = document.createElement('div');
title.textContent = item.Title;
const preview = document.createElement('div');
preview.textContent = item.AbstractText;
resultItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Append ?Highlight={searchword} to the URL
const urlWithHighlight = `${item.Link}?Highlight=${encodeURIComponent(searchQuery)}`;
window.location.href = urlWithHighlight;

if (results.content.length > 5) {
const showAll = document.createElement('li');
showAll.textContent = 'Showing 5 results. For all results, press ENTER';
showAll.addEventListener('click', this.showFullResults);
// Append this first so it's at the top:
dropdown.insertBefore(showAll, dropdown.firstChild);

displayAllResults(results) {
const dropdown = document.getElementById('searchResultsDropdown');
dropdown.innerHTML = '';
const searchQuery = document.querySelector('.main-section .search-bar > input').value.trim(); // Get the current search query

results.content.forEach(item => {
const resultItem = document.createElement('li');
const title = document.createElement('div');
title.textContent = item.Title;
const preview = document.createElement('div');
preview.textContent = item.AbstractText;
resultItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Append ?Highlight={searchword} to the URL
const urlWithHighlight = `${item.Link}?Highlight=${encodeURIComponent(searchQuery)}`;
window.location.href = urlWithHighlight;

clearResults() {
const dropdown = document.getElementById('searchResultsDropdown');
dropdown.innerHTML = '';

showFullResults() {
// Implementation for showing full results

hideDropDown(event) {
const searchResultsDropdown = document.getElementById('searchResultsDropdown');
if (!".search-field")) { = "hidden";

showDropDown() { // Add this method
const searchResultsDropdown = document.getElementById('searchResultsDropdown'); = "visible";

init() {
$(document).ready(() => {
const searchInput = document.querySelector('.main-section .search-bar > input');
searchInput.addEventListener('input', this.debounce(this.handleSearch, 300));
searchInput.addEventListener('focus', this.showDropDown); // Add this line
const dropdown = document.createElement('ul'); = 'searchResultsDropdown';
document.querySelector('.main-section .search-bar').appendChild(dropdown);

document.addEventListener("click", this.hideDropDown);

new SearchManager();

Using Post Build Events in Flare for CSS Customization

· One min read
Mattias Sander
Mattias Sander

Post build events in MadCap Flare can append styles to the skin-specific CSS, enabling customization of elements not available in the Flare skin editor. This is particularly useful for Tripane skin where some elements, like the search bar proxy, lack direct support for modifications.

  1. Create Custom CSS and JavaScript: Prepare your additional CSS and JavaScript files with the desired styles and functionalities.

  2. Configure Post Build Events: In your Flare project, open your target, and looks under the 'Build Events' tab, add the following batch commands as post build events:

    type "$(ProjectDirectory)Content\Skin_CSS_additions.css" >> "$(OutputDirectory)\Skins\Default\Stylesheets\Styles.css"
    type "$(ProjectDirectory)Content\Skin_Javascript_additions.js" >> "$(OutputDirectory)\Resources\Scripts\MadCapAll.js"

    These commands append your custom CSS and JavaScript to Styles.css and MadCapAll.js in the output directory.

  3. Build the Project: Execute a build. The custom styles and scripts will be integrated into the skin files.

Post build events offer a practical solution to extend the customization capabilities of Flare’s Tripane skin, allowing for additional styling and functionality adjustments not provided by the default skin editor.