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Enhance Responsiveness with the <picture> Element

ยท One min read
Mattias Sander

When working with MadCap Flare, generating responsive HTML output is key for accessibility across various devices. The HTML <picture> element is an essential tool for this purpose, ensuring images in your documentation adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Simplified Approachโ€‹

The <picture> element allows you to define multiple image sources for different viewing conditions. This flexibility is vital for technical documentation, where clarity and readability are paramount.

Usage in Flareโ€‹

In your Flare project:

<source media="(min-width: 800px)" srcset="large-image.jpg"/>
<img src="default-image.jpg" alt="Description"/>

This code serves large-image.jpg for screens wider than 800px, with default-image.jpg as a fallback for smaller screens or unsupported browsers.


  1. Responsive Design: Tailor images to fit various devices, enhancing user engagement.
  2. Efficiency: Reduce the need for multiple image versions in your Flare project.
  3. Clarity: Ensure images are crisp and clear, regardless of device or screen size.

Incorporating the <picture> element into your MadCap Flare HTML output is a straightforward yet impactful way to elevate your technical documentation. It's an easy step towards creating more responsive, device-friendly content.