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Setting up Agents

To set up an Agent using the new .json file structure:

  1. Open a text editor, like Notepad.

  2. Insert your JSON content within the braces {}. The structure should look like this:

    "CompletionsSettings": {
    "SystemInstructions": "# MISSION\nYou're an text summarizer."

    Here, "SystemInstructions" contains specific directives for the agent's role, interaction schema, and output principles. For example, it defines the agent as a text summarizer, outlines how it should interact with user inputs (e.g., summarizing texts or chat transcripts), and specifies that its responses should only be the summarized text.

  3. Save the file with a name that reflects the agent's purpose, such as TextSummarizerAgent.json, in the directory c:\users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MadBot\Agents. Replace USERNAME with your actual username and TextSummarizerAgent with your chosen agent name.

  4. Ensure you select the file type as All Files (*.*) and include the .json extension when saving.

This process customizes an agent's functionality and response behavior in accordance with the new JSON structure, which includes detailed system instructions tailored to the specific role of the agent.