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Release Notes

1.0.492025-01-28Bug fix related to scanning TOC files.
1.0.482024-11-11New RegexElementOnly Function. Added a new RegexElementOnly function that enables pattern matching on an element's direct text content while ignoring text in child elements. This helps when you need to validate patterns in parent elements without considering nested content.
1.0.472024-06-12There's now a special rule for checking heading level consistency. Set the context to check-heading-levels.
1.0.462024-05-27You can now edit ignored rules in a separate window.
1.0.452024-04-24- Bug fix: There's now a check whether you have a Flare project open before processing.
1.0.442024-03-27You can now ignore specific rule violations by right-clicking a violation in the Violations window.
1.0.432024-03-07FIXED: There was a problem related to the caching functionality, where in some cases, the cached response would be triggered even if the rule has changed.
1.0.422024-03-06Performance related bug fixes.
1.0.412024-02-22There's now a button to clear the cache, and the cachefolder moved.
1.0.402024-02-21- The "Anytext" context now covers any element with a text node as a direct child.
- Rule violations are now cached for 30 days.
1.0.39- Corrected a problem in the Regex function, where inline elements were not always unbound.
1.0.38- Resolved an issue pertaining to CSS/XPATH conversion.
- Addressed a defect causing duplicate entries in the violations list.
1.0.37- Bug fix related to using XPATH instead of CSS in the context.
1.0.36- License agreement update.
1.0.35- License validation bug fix.
1.0.34- Fixed a bug in the license validation code.
1.0.33- Line breaks in CSV file are replaced with a space.
- Validate all open files.
- Maintain rule files in CSV format.
1.0.322022-12-14- /Project/Users folder exclusion in CSS query scans.
- :emptybreaking pseudo selector to target empty elements.
- Bug fix in licensing functionality.
- Changed timeout limit for rules from 15 to 20 seconds.
1.0.312022-11-25- Bug fix: Error message when right-clicking a cell in the Violations window.
1.0.302022-08-01- Bug fixes:
- p[MadCap:conditions=''] context conversion to XPath.
- .mqignore function issue for snippets linked from a topic.
- FileNameRegex function for all Flare files.
1.0.292022-05-09- New FEATURES:
- Run ad-hoc CSS searches.
- Validate XHTML of all topics.
- BUG fixes:
- Cosmetic issue in the preview window.
- Bug in the RawRegex function.
1.0.282022-03-17- Removed Google prettyprint dependency.
- Non-breaking spaces in HTML preview.
- CSV file shows actual word from rule.
- MS-20210413120632 rule update.
- Bug fix: TOC entry link to bookmark scan issue.
NOTE: Changes to rules only apply to newly created rule sets.
1.0.272022-03-08- Bug fix to the filter functionality.
1.0.262022-03-01- Extended bug reporting via email.
- Bug fix in .ignore-functionality.
- Support for non-XElement XNode in xpath statements.
- Rule for finding images without ALT texts.
1.0.252021-12-06- Fixed problem with files in /Project/Users/.../Backups in scan.
- Changed timeout limit for rules.
- REGEX matching with attributes.
- New dialog for no broken rules.
- XML log mode.
- Folders in the rule violation window.
- Performance improvements.
- Filtering of broken rules.
- .mqignore file for ignoring files.
- Fixed license validator issue.
1.0.242021-11-10- Fixed License key problem.
1.0.232021-11-03- Correction to REGEX of MS-20210413120609 rule.
- Bug fix: MadCap:concept conversion.
- Updated license terms.
1.0.222021-10-30- Fixed REGEX expressions registration bug.
- Changed REGEX of MS-20210413120633.
- Fixed MadCap:concept conversion to XPath.
- Bug fix in REGEX for space at start of element.
- Performance improvements.
- Change in MS-20210413120548 rule.
- Fixed RawRegex function.
- ":empty" selector includes non-breaking spaces.
- RegexInline function.
1.0.212021-07-23- Use XPath statements for context.
- Topics no longer time out at 90 seconds.
- Various bug fixes.
1.0.202021-05-26- Corrected spelling errors.
- Fixed licensing issue.
1.0.192021-05-22- Enabled silent mode on installer.
- Option to link to rule file in remote location.
- Added Google Developer Style Guide rules.
- Corrections to template rule set.
- Results window closes automatically.
- Process any Flare XML file.
1.0.18- Bug fix: Plugin crash when a topic contains an image linked to the web.
1.0.17- Fixed a bug in the RawRegex function.
1.0.16- Removed "annotate element" function.
- Added timeout for rules and files.
1.0.15- Bug fixes in default rules.
- Validation of all default rules.
- Added "RawRegex" function.
- Corrected bug for Assert type rules.
1.0.14- Disabled write good rules by default.
- Corrected bugs in "Word" & "ListOfWord" functions.
- Corrected "index is out of bounds" bug.
- Changed MS-20210413120543 rule.
1.0.13- Rule template added as default rule set.
- FileNameRegex now works with Assert type rules, context, and regex pattern.
1.0.12- Updated GUI texts.
- Fallback validation.
- Fixed bug in rules spreadsheet conversion.
1.0.11- Performance improvements.
1.0.10- Added "Text" context.
- Removed GUI support for adding rules from http-location.
- Added "scan a random topic".
- Updated internal CSS to XPath engine.
1.0.9- Performance enhancements.
1.0.8- REGEX based rule timeout handling.
- Automatic 14 day free trial.
1.0.7- Corrected "FileNameRegex" function bug.
- Added more default rules.
- Activated all rules.
- Added tabs for rule categories.
- Extended trial.
- Various rule changes.
1.0.6- Corrected en/em-dash rule.
- Added message box in results window.
- Parallel file processing.
- Added progress bar.
- Disabled intensive rules in default template.
1.0.5- Fixed "IgnoreCase" setting issue.
- Feature to use rules at other locations.
- Button to open folders with rules.
- Corrected bugs in rule sets.
- Corrected resize bug in results window.
1.0.4- Results window no longer stays on top.
- Processing modal window behavior.
1.0.3- Regular expressions operate on strings without inline tags.
- Added Microsoft Manual of Style rules.
- Added progress bar and cancel button.
1.0.2- Regular expressions operate on element string value with tags replaced.
1.0.1- Bug fixes.